優惠期限:2010 年 08 月 31 日止



作者:Jake K. Lee、PARK SOO HONG








Chapter 01 全新的開始!簡易日常會話開口說(06:00-09:00)
1. 起床 06:00-06:30 Time to get up! _22
2. 盥洗 06:30-07:00 I just managed to wash my face. _30
3. 早餐 07:00-07:30 You’d better not skip breakfast. _38
4. 化妝.換衣服 07:30-08:00 Nothing good to wear. _46
5. 上班 08:00-09:00 Can you give me a ride? _54

Chapter 02 讓外國客戶對你另眼相看!輕鬆上手的商業英語(09:00-13:00)
6. 打招呼 09:00-09:30 You look great today. _64
7. 工作進度 09:30-10:00 How far are you? _72
8. 批准.報告 10:00-11:00 Who‘s in charge of it? _80
9. 電話.電腦 11:00-12:00 I’ll put you through to him. _88
10. 午餐 12:00-13:00 What should we eat today? _96

Chapter 03 精采的社交生活!說好話,打造OK人際關係(13:00-19:00)
11. 下午茶時間 13:00-13:30 Care for some coffee? _106
12. 休息.閒聊 14:30-15:00 I’m going to run my errands. _114
13. 安排會議時程 15:30-16:30 Something’s come up. _122
14. 下班.加班 17:00-18:00 Let’s call it a day. _130
15. 聚餐.小酌 18:00-19:00 Let’s go bar-hopping! _138

Chapter 04 一天的尾聲!下班後的休閒會話(19:00-24:00)
16. 運動 19:00-20:30 Let’s hit the gym after work. _148
17. 學習 19:00-20:30 The class is worth taking. _156
18. 晚餐.外食 19:00-21:00 Nothing beats a home-cooked meal. _164
19. 看電視.閱讀 20:00-24:00 What’s on TV now? _172
20. 閒話家常 20:00-23:00 How was your day? _180

Chapter 05 快樂的假日!在你的他或她面前展現實力(Weekend & Holiday)
21. 看電影.看球賽 Who’s starring in the movie? _190
22. 逛街購物 It’s so you! _198
23. 旅行 What do you say to a picnic? _206
24. 紀念日.開趴 Happy belated birthday! _214
25. 家事 I want you to mop the floor. _222


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